2009年9月23日 星期三

DIY wall stickers Available from Eva's Backstage

Height1: 1130mm
Height2:  670mm
Height3: 980mm

Width 1: 560mm
Width 2: 135mm
             (the bird cave)
Width 3: 250mm

DIY wall Sticker 田園風

10.00 euros
Price all including Transpotation

5 Colors for choice- Black, Brown, Gray, White, Light Green

DIY wall sticker

4 colors for Choice- Black, brown, Gray , White

Price for 2 stickers  -- 12.00 euros
Price for EACH sticker
140cm --- 7.00 euros
160cm --- 8.00 euros

Width:  2200mm (total)
Width:  1560mm (the Tree)
Height:  1450mm

DIY wall Sticker 菩提樹

4 color of Choice- Black, Brown, Gray, White

DIY wall Sticker

(6.00  euros ) for 2 flower stickers
4 colors for Choice- Black, brown, Gary , White

DIY sticker  shoes box
--4.00 euros for 4 togehter
--1.00 euros for each

5 colors for choice- White, Gray, Chestnut, dark Brown, Black

DIY sticker   the closet
--4.00 euros for 4 together
--1.00 euros for each

5 colors for choice -White, Gray, Chestnut, Dark Brown, Black.

-Width: 920mm
-Height: 1840 mm

DIY wall Sticker
-Price: 8,00 euros including Transpotation

5 colors available.

DIY wall sticker 身高測量貼~~

Width: 783 mm
Height: 914mm

Price--10.00 euros including Transportation.

only 1 color avalible.

Cinderella's Castle

Castle: Width- 31mm
           Height- 49mm

Cinderella: Width 21mm
                  Hight 22mm

Price:  5.00 euros including Transportation.
